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Technology at the service of people and democracy.

Who uses Decidim?

More and more municipalities, public bodies, non-profit entities, innovation and research centers or companies in the social economy, which use Decidim as a tool to articulate participation in all its forms. From the most common citizen participation carried out by the city councils, to the citizen mobilization or the articulation of innovation processes that require the cooperation of different actors in the same space.

The variety of functionalities offered by Decidim, together with the high level of personalization they have, allows the platform to be adapted to very different contexts and uses.

Find out some interesting examples:


Participatory budgets of the Barcelona City Council.

The City Councils of Calafell.

Collaborative ideation process to improve public space of the Gav脿 City Council.

Public consultations of regulations of the City Council of Cunit.

Municipal Action Plan of the Reus City Council.

Public entities

Citizen Assembly for the Climate of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Platform of Citizen Initiatives for the French Senate.

Public policy co-creation platform of the Loiret Department (fr).

NGOs and social movements

(CO)Incidim, citizen movement for citizen participation in water and energy management.

Organization of the Digital Democracy Day by the MetaDecidim Association.

Participated strategic planning of People Powered.

Platform for the coordination of the Associations of Students Families of Catalonia.

Cooperatives and social economy

Organization of the General Assembly.

Consultations and votes.


Open innovation platform of the I2Cat Foundation.

Portal for Communities of Practice and Knowledge Management of the Generalitat de Catalunya.


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